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aqueous humor 【解剖學】(眼球水晶體的)水狀液。

aqueous rock

The shunt takes adantage of the naturally occurring pressure differential between the anterior chamber and the suprachoroidal space , allowing aqueous humor to pass through the microchannels and into the ueoscleral outflow pathways 金微管具有在眼前房和脈絡膜周隙間自然產生壓差的能力,以允許水相體液通過微管流到葡萄膜鞏膜并且流出。

The lower expression of grbeta in glaucomatous tm cells may contribute to the altered phagocytic function of tm cells , and may lead to the increased aqueous humor outflow resistance mediated by glucocorticoids 激素性青光眼患者的小梁網細胞低表達gr可能引起小梁網細胞吞噬功能發生改變,從而產生激素介導的房水流出阻力增加。

Glaucoma treatment ( for any form ) entails decreasing aqueous humor production , increasing fluid drainage or a combination of the two . these treatments will not restore any ision already lost to glaucoma 青光眼的治療側重于抑制房水的產生和促進房水的吸收或者兩者結合。因此這些方法不能恢復青光眼已經造成的視力減退。

As the aqueous humor was aspirated via a 26 - gauge needle through the peripheral clear cornea , the anterior chamber only showed little shallowness and regained the original volume again within several seconds 我們從角膜邊緣用26號針頭抽取前房液的當時,發現前房深度雖曾略減,但在抽取后幾秒內就恢復了。

The observation of the relationship among the level of the endothelinl - 1 , interleukin - 8 in serum and aqueous humor and the grade of the complication in rabbits after iol implantation 人眼房水心鈉素含量與原發性閉角型青光眼關系的研究

Effect of acupuncture on the changes of ion contents of aqueous humor and the immune system in senile cataract patients 針刺對老年性白內障患者房水中的離子元素及免疫系統的影響

Determination and significance of antioxidants and antioxidases in the blood , aqueous humor and lenses of normal dogs 正常犬血房水晶狀體中抗氧化酶和抗氧化物測定及意義